For Laundry Services, managed in your home, look no further than the Daisy Bee Team.
When booking Daisy Bee, you are booking our cleaners’ time. We will create a schedule that manages the tasks you want handled. Laundry services can be undertaken when we are in your home.

Add on an extra half an hour to your cleaning hours and we will:
- sort the washing and put it in the machine
- take it out of the machine and hang it out, or put in into your dryer
- remove from drier and fold for you
As long as our booking covers the time for the devices to wash and dry the laundry, we will manage it for you. But it is an additional service so the time must be factored in.
Ask us for a free walkthrough quote and mention you would like to consider Laundry Services too.
Laundry support to suit you
A full laundry bin can sometimes creep on you quite quickly. Our experienced team members can take care of this on a designated weekly ‘laundry day’, or help you to keep on top of things at regular times each week. They can even provide this as an “add-on” service when they visit for your regular cleaning.
Laundry services can include:
- Stripping beds and collecting dirty towels from around the house
- Sorting clothes and other laundry ready for the washing machine, such as whites and dark colours
- Emptying the washing machine and drying clothes, whether on the washing line, on indoor clothes maidens or in a tumble dryer
- Hand washing any delicate clothes
- Ironing clothes and either hanging them in wardbrobes or folding them neatly in drawers
Ironing Service
Are you interested in our in-house ironing service or would you like ironing to be a part of your cleaning routine? We will be able to iron your clothes taking into the account your preferences and can add on the time required to your booking.

What do our ironing services include?
Our ironing services, not surprisingly, involve a lot of ironing, but they also involve a lot more too. When we are working in your home, we can also fold all of the clothes we iron and put them away for you. Many of our customers have very specific ways of ordering their clothes, and our ironing team have no trouble following complex instructions to ensure that your clothes are in the perfect place for you.
Our ironing service also includes doing laundry too. We can always step in and wash your clothes and then hanging them up to dry. Once again, our cleaners are experts in sorting clothes into the correct piles and selecting the right temperature for each style of clothing.
Why take advantage of our ironing services?
Maybe you’re juggling work and life commitments or just don’t have enough hours in the day. With an assistant to support with cleaning the house, washing and drying clothes and even doing the ironing, all of this and more can be taken care of for you. – and always following your instructions and personal preferences.
When our team members are already working in your home, our ironing services fees are just the same as our cleaning fees- charged at the hourly rate. So, if you already have one of our friendly cleaners coming round to clean your home and have a huge pile of ironing that needs doing, just let them know. Or, if you have some ironing that you really need doing and simply don’t have the time, give us call, one of our cleaners can be with you as soon as the next day to take care of it for you in your home, or to collect it and return it quickly.
Call now for Service!
01784 606996 / 07889 267605
Daisy Bee Clean Wraysbury, TW19 5JB